Monday, November 18, 2019

God requires faithfulness not success 
Our responsibility is to touch people 
It is God’s position to and God’s power that successfully converts them. 
To seek my own success in God is to set my own standard and perspective by which I believe God views me denying that He sees me more truthfully than I see myself. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Legacy, that which is left behind. The thoughts and effects of my life which remain when all that I'll ever do is done.
When my name is spoken will I be seen the way I saw myself or will the chronicle of my existence tell a story that reveals undiscovered truths of great successes and dismal failures which ultimately was the journey I called my life.
Legacy, that which I leave behind for someone else be it my son or daughter or that unnamed stranger whose life I unknowingly touched by some unintended kindness resulting from a chance encounter not created by me. A thought implanted in the mind of another inspiring motivating changing the course of their journey. A word spoken strengthening encouraging opening eyes to the goodness and promises of God. A confession of weakness which gives strength and hope to another in their own struggles.
When the final truth is told what is it that I have to leave to this world but a testimony of my pursuit of joy and happiness, my falls and my rising up after the fall. What more could I leave than the knowledge that with each breath comes new life and new opportunity, a future not yet determined awaiting input to form a legacy of its own.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Declaration of My Indepependence


Just written, my personal declaration of independence.
Independence from oppression (or suppression) of my own mind.
Independence from my own mind’s attempts to meet the innocent expectations of others.
Independence from people telling me I think this way or that way because I am this or that, not realizing that before I was in my mother’s womb (or a graduate of any school) God knew me, shaped me, declared what I was to be.
Independence from self doubt, external criticism and the hateration of others who remain enslaved in their minds not yet having been declared free from themselves.
Independence from the fear of failure realizing that failure only evidences that I have shed my prior lackadaisical attitudes and moved toward the accomplishment of my goals, dreams and aspirations.
A personal declaration of independence stating:
1. I, desiring to form a more perfect union of myself
to my self, declare that I am free from any part of
me that will not bow down to the reality of me.
2. That I, not being created equal, was created to excel in that which I was created to do having been equipped prior to my first breath.
3. That I have been endowed by my Creator with more than an inalienable right, I have a sacred duty, to pursue with passion those purposes planted within me by the creator of all things.
4. That my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are all wrapped in the vision that was once just a nagging thought but now has become a driving force.  A life to sacrifice in my commitment to my reason for living.  The liberty to chose the right path.  And the pursuit of happiness in knowing that come what may I dedicated myself to something greater than myself.
My own personal declaration of independence, written by me for me.  No congressional vote required, no presidential approval desired. I now realize that Lincoln never freed the slaves for we can only free ourselves.

Why Do you Believe

Why Do You Believe

Why do you believe?
Not anything in particular but rather
why do you believe anything at all

What is the purpose of a Belief?
Is it the exoskeletal frame upon which you build who you claim to be, or do they only form the basis of the disagreement when you argue against beliefs of others

Where do beliefs come from?
Are they spiritually inbred or are they result of a philosophical thought conjured by someone based upon his own beliefs

Dare we question why?
Dare we ponder that question which goes to very essence of our soul.
Dare we make inquiry into that subject whose response could the stories we tell our babies at night

Dare we risk the foundations and fabrics upon which we have built entire kingdoms of thought,palaces of principles and courtyard where we rest comfortably surrounded by perennials planted long ago no longer requiring our care

What is a Belief?
Is it the box to which I am infused which regulates my conduct, thoughts and perceptions ,or Is it the external universe that calls me to launch out on the belief that it beckons me to discover that which I never knew but which cried out for me to come

Why do I believe? I think I know but decline to say. Some questions are not to be answered just pursued.

Course of Life

Action, Reaction
Cause, Effect

We launch a marble downhill only certain that it’s momentum will take a downward
course, the path of its Journey determined not by the desired intent of the
initial actor but rather by the ruts, ridges and obstacles it faces on its journey, each
impediment altering the course slightly with unknown significance, slowing or
hastening its inevitable arrival at the expected destination

As with the marble we too travel a course wrought with situations and circumstances, both intended and unintended yet created by our decisions and altering our desired course.
That desired course of impediment free travel, a course free from undesired situations thus allowing us to move from one life place to another absent the lessons we learn from the faults and crevasses of our lives which grant us the experience of ascending
from the valleys of our circumstances to reach the peek of a victorious overcoming.

Like the downward rolling marble, compelled by the natural law of gravity, which
encounters the unforeseen and yet inevitable obstacles of its course prior to its arrival at its destination, we too must continue our journeys.

Propelled by our faith in the forces that compel us forward as over-comers,
beaten but not broken, worn but yet winners who have strayed but have not lost sight of the goal, to that noble pursuit which requires that we persevere through the pitfalls, the problems, the situation the errors the misunderstandings, and the mistakes, all of which contribute to the character and lessons of the journey that is our LIFE.