Monday, January 5, 2015

Course of Life

Action, Reaction
Cause, Effect

We launch a marble downhill only certain that it’s momentum will take a downward
course, the path of its Journey determined not by the desired intent of the
initial actor but rather by the ruts, ridges and obstacles it faces on its journey, each
impediment altering the course slightly with unknown significance, slowing or
hastening its inevitable arrival at the expected destination

As with the marble we too travel a course wrought with situations and circumstances, both intended and unintended yet created by our decisions and altering our desired course.
That desired course of impediment free travel, a course free from undesired situations thus allowing us to move from one life place to another absent the lessons we learn from the faults and crevasses of our lives which grant us the experience of ascending
from the valleys of our circumstances to reach the peek of a victorious overcoming.

Like the downward rolling marble, compelled by the natural law of gravity, which
encounters the unforeseen and yet inevitable obstacles of its course prior to its arrival at its destination, we too must continue our journeys.

Propelled by our faith in the forces that compel us forward as over-comers,
beaten but not broken, worn but yet winners who have strayed but have not lost sight of the goal, to that noble pursuit which requires that we persevere through the pitfalls, the problems, the situation the errors the misunderstandings, and the mistakes, all of which contribute to the character and lessons of the journey that is our LIFE.

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